Hydrangea Bouquet
Hydrangea Bouquet
The Hydrangea Bouquet is made by hand from premium Wool Felt.
This bouquet Contains:
2- Hydrangea stems in Parchment with Green centers
2-Hydrangea stems in Peacock with Blue Centers
1- Hydrangea stem in Mullberry with Purple centers
1- Hydrangea stem in Pale Pink with Pink centers
3- Large Leaf stems in Relish
Each hydrangea stem includes leaves
All Flowers are made to order and can vary in size.
Flowers are adhered to an 18 gauge wire. Please see individual Listings for more details on the sizes of each flower.
*These flowers are all placed separately in the shipping box. They do not come wrapped or arranged
If you would like different colors please fill out the custom bouquet request form
All Custom Orders ship 1-3 weeks.
We do not accept returns on anything custom or any products in production.